Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Super Bowl Champion Review of Go-Doggy-Go Indoor Litter Box Potty

The Comparison of Indoor Dog Potty, Litter Box, Dog Park Grass Pads, Piddle / Pee Pads & Flat Potties

To make a comparison of indoor dog potties, litter boxes, dog park mats, grass pads, piddle / pee pads & flat potties is not very difficult at all.  All of them have one-thing in common; they have a low-hit ratio to attempts.  What does that mean?  Stuff on the floor, carpet, rugs, your feet!
 Your dog will smell the proximity of its spot, but will go close-not on it.    They are doing exactly what nature intends them to do.  Dogs don't try to make a perfect hit, so what is the answer?  You need a product that will "get your dog to go all the way on it."  I know, I just said they don't.
 To get them onto the spot, a dog needs natural-behavioral and instinctual encouragement.  Go-Doggy-Go Indoor Dog Litter and Puppy Dog Park Potty, found at, on, and Ebay too, has figured this out.  Your dog wants a place to Go-Doggy-Go that is common, easy to get at, has space to maneuver, and that they feel instinctually ready to use.  To get all-four paws into an area is how it works.
 Dogs need the right height, width, and length-spot.  Go-Doggy-Go Indoor Litter and Puppy Dog Park Potty has these important instinctual attributes in two potty sizes (small/medium and medium/large).
 The Potties can be joined to make larger areas.  The product has only an 1/8 inch border, maximizing the hit-zone.
 Other potties have a wide rim, causing your dog more-miss potential and run-off (but don't worry, they are hitting it all-that much anyway) it makes theirs somewhat easy to clean but your floors may not fair very well. Overall, you will spend allot more time and money cleaning up near hits.  Playing battleship with your flooring- well, you get the point.
 Buy Go-Doggy-Go once, or buy it after playing battleship.   It is the All-American Hero that reduces misses to zero.  Go-Doggy-Go and never go back.  Go-Doggy-Go Indoor Litter and Puppy Dog Park is the company made by humans and designed by the love of our dog.  "Thanks Elecktra" High Four!

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